Saturday, January 14, 2012

Amulets !!

 Fragmented,hazy shadows  pan
the vistas of a tortured mind,
and startled by my nightly blues
lingering in these twilight hues,
I leave the memory far behind .
But he ,the dreamy, promised warmth
the saviour of this  icy day
softly pulls me in and, slow
those ancient glittering eyes a -glow
murmurs "I am here to stay ".
I  scurry ,clutch my dreamy ghost
cower from some fancied harms,
open portals ,unlock hearts
wake in fits ,sleep in starts,
then, fold into those outstetched arms...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Reach !!

Canvas of life by  invisible hands,
in colours of love,hope and gloom;
tears and thorns  where the flowers bloom;
flowing streams and shifting sands
pristine ,virginal,in hues of love
soaring high  on wings of dove.

Each breath precious,untiring eyes
feast upon the motely views;
rainbows frolic amid dewey sprays,
pots of gold seen through gauzy haze;
let gorgon-terrors bury in chasms deep,
dreamy  fancy  wings off to sleep.

Catch those dreams with your toils,
free thy feet from shackled coils;
quell the murky waters of doom,
let sunshine banish the misty doom,
fly ,! fly!! where the eagles dare
and joy is  ,yes ! it now is here.